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Disrupt Traditional Talent Acquisition With Overlay Technologies

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TalentBloom recently hosted an Innovator Round Table, where forward-looking Healthcare HR & Talent Acquisition Leaders meet to develop their ideas and support each other’s transformation initiatives. We were honored to be joined by Christy Carter, Interim Director of Talent at Beacon Health System in Indiana, who emphasized the importance of healthcare talent leaders embracing overlay technologies to supercharge their existing systems and processes in talent acquisition. The healthcare industry, particularly in talent acquisition, is at a crossroads where the adoption of innovative technologies can significantly enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

Addressing System Limitations in Talent Acquisition

One of the primary challenges faced by healthcare talent leaders is the reliance on outdated systems that require extensive manual work. As Carter points out, “We do a lot of manual work around here because of some limitations around the systems that we use and their inability to speak to one another asynchronously necessitates a lot of manual entry, which invites a lot of human error.” These inefficiencies highlight the need for technologies that can integrate seamlessly with existing Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS).

Leveraging Overlay Technologies

Rather than focusing on replacing large systems, Carter advocates for the adoption of overlay technologies that can enhance the capabilities of the current tech stack. “I think I would love if technology could enable some type of consortium amongst your healthcare clients so that we can participate in the sharing of talent across our health systems,” she says. Overlay technologies can provide additional functionalities without the need for a complete system overhaul, offering a more cost-effective and less disruptive solution.

Enhancing Internal Mobility and Talent Communities

Improving internal mobility and creating talent communities are critical aspects of modern talent acquisition. Carter notes the difficulties in planning and staffing for future needs, such as the opening of a new tower that will require 500 new hires by 2026. “We don’t really have any ability to get ahead of things like that, even though we’re starting the planning already for it,” she explains. Overlay technologies can facilitate better internal mobility by providing tools for tracking and managing employee career paths, as well as creating proactive talent communities.

Automating Recruitment Processes

Automation is another key area where overlay technologies can make a significant impact. Automating repetitive tasks can free up recruiters to focus on more strategic activities, such as engaging with candidates and building relationships. Carter highlights the need for automation: “Anything we can do to automate outreach and to make recruiters’ lives easier to reach candidates quicker to shorten that time to hire would be gravy.”


For healthcare organizations to grow, scale, and thrive in the future, innovation in talent acquisition is essential. Christy Carter’s insights underscore the importance of disrupting traditional methods by adopting overlay technologies that enhance existing systems. By addressing system limitations, improving internal mobility, and automating recruitment processes, healthcare talent leaders can create more efficient and effective talent acquisition strategies. Embracing these innovations will enable healthcare organizations to stay ahead of the curve and ensure they have the right talent to support their missions. As Carter aptly puts it, “We need to do a better job of creating those pathways and career ladders for our coworkers,” and overlay technologies are a crucial part of this journey.

TalentBloom is cultivating a consortium of Top Healthcare Innovators who are transforming Talent Acquisition and leading the industry into the future. If you’d be interested in participating, email us: We’d love to learn about your thoughts and ideas.

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