4 Key Interview Criteria
As you prepare for an interview, it is important to first understand the logic behind interview questions for the healthcare industry. There are 4 key interview criteria that must be discovered about a candidate during the interview process to ensure fit, performance & tenure potential.
(1) Reveal Core Competencies
Well-crafted interview questions provide insight into a candidate’s skills, experience, and ability to perform in the role. They go beyond surface-level answers and dig into how the candidate approaches problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making. The right questions reveal not just what a candidate has done, but how they’ve done it.
(2) Gauge Cultural Fit
Every organization has a unique culture, and ensuring a candidate fits into that environment is key to long-term success. Interview questions for healthcare will assess values, communication style, and adaptability help employers determine whether the candidate will thrive in the company’s specific setting.
(3) Assess Soft Skills
Hard skills get candidates in the door, but soft skills often determine their success. Interview questions can uncover essential attributes such as emotional intelligence, leadership, teamwork, and conflict resolution. These are qualities that can make or break someone’s performance, yet are often harder to assess through resumes or tests alone.
(4) Predict Future Performance
Past behavior is often the best predictor of future success. Behavioral interview questions, those that ask candidates to share specific examples of how they’ve handled situations in the past, offer invaluable insights into how they might perform in the role. These questions help you move beyond generalities and assess how a candidate will actually tackle the challenges they’re likely to face.
Preparing for your Interview
Below are example interview questions for Healthcare role, including Nurse, Certified Nursing Assistant, Occupational Therapist, Medical Assistant and Midwife.
Remember the interview is intended to go beyond an initial response, so many employers should be prepared with clarifying questions and indicators prior to starting an interview to ensure they collect enough insight to confidently determine a candidate’s interview.
Example Nurse interview questions, clarifying questions and indicators.
Indicators are to support consistency in how candidates are evaluated. These are example indicators and should be tailored for your organization’s requirements for the role.
Tell me about a time when you had to handle a difficult patient.
- Clarifying Questions: Walk me through the steps you took to handle the situation.How did you maintain a professional and respectful attitude while dealing with the difficult patient?
- Indicators: Exhibits an ability to handle challenging situations in a professional manner, exhibits an ability to problem solve, demonstrates a willingness to learn and grow from past experiences
Can you provide an example of a situation where you had to collaborate with a difficult healthcare professional, such as a physician or other nurse, to ensure optimal patient care?
- Clarifying Questions: What did you learn from this experience? How have you applied that knowledge to other professional relationships since then? Have you ever had to collaborate with someone whose approach to patient care or work style was different from your own?
- Indicators: Exhibits an ability to manage difficult interpersonal dynamics, exhibits strong communication skills, emphasizes teamwork, demonstrates a willingness to learn and grow from past experiences.
Describe a time when you had to communicate with a patient or family member who spoke a different language or had a different cultural background.
- Clarifying Questions: Can you give me an example of how you have adapted your approach to care to meet the unique needs of a patient or family from a different cultural background? Can you describe any additional training or education you have received related to cultural competency, and how that has influenced your approach to care?
- Indicators: Thoughtful in their approach, willingness to adapt their approach, recognizes the impact of their communication, tell me about a time you identified a problem or inefficiency in a medical office or clinic.
Can you give me an example of a time when you had to delegate tasks to other healthcare professionals, such as CNAs or MAs?
- Clarifying Questions: How did you communicate your expectations? How did you ensure that the tasks were completed correctly? How do you ensure that communication and collaboration are effective among members of the healthcare team?
- Indicators: Works well with others, emphasizes teamwork, recognizes importance of communication, holds themselves accountable for outcomes, tell me about a time you identified a problem or inefficiency in a medical office or clinic.
Tell me about a time when you had to advocate for a patient’s needs or rights.
- Clarifying Questions: How did you identify the need for advocacy, and what steps did you take to address it? How did you work with other members of the healthcare team to ensure the patient’s needs were met? Can you describe any challenges you faced during the advocacy process, and how you overcame them?
- Indicators: Advocates for their patients, exhibits empathy, demonstrate an ability to collaborate with other members of the healthcare team.
Tell me about a time when you had to work under pressure or with a tight deadline.
- Clarifying Questions: How did you prioritize your tasks? What was the outcome?
- Indicators: Capable in stressful conditions, candidate seems composed under pressure, takes ownership for outcomes.
What would you do if you saw a colleague failing to adhere to patient safety standards, such as changing gloves between patients?
- Clarifying Questions: When was the last time you attended a safety or hygiene training?
- Indicators: Patient safety is a priority to this candidate, willing to address critical and sensitive topics with co-workers, addresses sensitive topics appropriately.
How would you handle a disagreement with a doctor, specifically if you were certain they made a mistake?
- Clarifying Questions: What would you do if your initial attempt to solve the problem wasn’t productive?
- Indicators: Emphasizes interpersonal skills, exercises active listening, teamwork, and flexibility, follows the chain of command when escalation is necessary.
Example Certified Nursing Assistant interview questions, clarifying questions and indicators.
Indicators are to support consistency in how candidates are evaluated. These are example indicators and should be tailored for your organization’s requirements for the role.
Tell me about a time when you had to care for a difficult patient.
- Clarifying Questions: What was the most difficult part of working with this patient?
- Indicators: Shows compassion under pressure, has developed coping mechanisms to manage stress.
How would you handle a disagreement with an RN, specifically if you were certain they made a mistake?
- Clarifying Questions: What would you do if your initial attempt wasn’t productive?
- Indicators: Emphasizes interpersonal skills, exercises active listening, teamwork, and flexibility, follows the chain of command when escalation is necessary.
What do you do when you don’t know the answer to a patient’s question about some aspect of their treatment?
- Clarifying Questions: Tell me about a time when you did not know a critical answer for a patient. How did you remedy the situation?
- Indicators: Utilizes resources to get answers, is concerned about getting the answer quickly.
Example Occupational Therapist interview questions, clarifying questions and indicators.
Indicators are to support consistency in how candidates are evaluated. These are example indicators and should be tailored for your organization’s requirements for the role.
Describe a specific instance when you had to adapt your approach to accommodate a client’s unique needs or disability.
- Clarifying Questions: Have you ever encountered a client with a need or disability that you were not familiar with? How did you handle this situation?
- Indicators: Exhibits an ability to adapt, exhibits an ability to problem solve, empathetic in their approach.
Can you tell me about a time when you worked with a client who was resistant to treatment or struggling with motivation?
- Clarifying Questions: How do you stay motivated and positive when working with clients who are resistant to treatment or struggling with motivation? Did you work with other healthcare professionals, such as psychologists or social workers, to help this client overcome their resistance to treatment? If so, how did you collaborate with these professionals?
- Indicators: Exhibits an ability to manage difficult interpersonal dynamics, exhibits strong communication skills, emphasizes teamwork.
Can you describe a situation where the involvement of a family member or caregiver was critical to the success of the treatment?
- Clarifying Questions: How did you involve them in the treatment process? How do you ensure that you are providing the right level of information and support to families and caregivers while also maintaining confidentiality and privacy for the client?
- Indicators: Exhibits an ability to manage interpersonal dynamics, exhibits strong communication skills, recognizes the importance of collaboration.
How do you measure success in your work as an occupational therapist?
- Clarifying Questions: Can you give me an example of a client you worked with who made significant progress towards their goals? What metrics did you use to track their progress?
- Indicators: Recognizes the importance of measuring success, holds themselves accountable for outcomes, is data driven in their approach.
Can you give me an example of a time when you implemented new research or techniques in your practice?
- Clarifying Questions: Have you ever encountered a situation where you implemented new research or techniques in your practice, but they were not successful with a particular client? How did you respond to this situation?
- Indicators: Demonstrates a willingness to try new things, holds themselves accountable for outcomes, tactful in their approach.
Example Medical Assistant interview questions, clarifying questions and indicators.
Indicators are to support consistency in how candidates are evaluated. These are example indicators and should be tailored for your organization’s requirements for the role.
How do you collaborate with physicians, nurses, and other medical staff to ensure high-quality patient care?
- Clarifying Questions: Can you provide an example of how you have contributed to a successful healthcare team in the past?
- Indicators: Works well with others, emphasizes teamwork, recognizes the importance of collaboration.
Tell me about a time when you had to handle multiple tasks or responsibilities at the same time.
- Clarifying Questions: How did you prioritize your work? What steps did you take to ensure that you were meeting all deadlines and expectations?
- Indicators: Exhibits an ability to execute assigned tasks/responsibilities, evidence of using time wisely, appropriately reprioritizes their attention.
How do you ensure patient information is kept confidential and secure in accordance with HIPAA regulations?
- Clarifying Questions: Can you provide an example of how you handled a situation where a patient’s privacy was at risk?
- Indicators: Shows evidence of a deep respect for patient information, adheres to an appropriate process, confident in their ability to maintain confidentiality.
Can you describe a time when you had to communicate complex medical information to a patient or family member who did not have had a medical background?
- Clarifying Questions: How did you ensure that the information was clear and understandable? What steps did you take to address any questions or concerns?
- Indicators: Exhibits strong communication skills, recognizes the importance of communication, thoughtful in their approach.
Tell me about a time you identified a problem or inefficiency in a medical office or clinic.
- Clarifying Questions: What steps did you take to address the issue? How did you work with other members of the team to implement a solution? How was the solution received?
- Indicators: Addresses issues professionally, exhibits an ability to resolve issues, holds themselves accountable for outcomes.
Example Midwife interview questions, clarifying questions and indicators.
Indicators are to support consistency in how candidates are evaluated. These are example indicators and should be tailored for your organization’s requirements for the role.
Describe a time you encountered complications with a patient during pregnancy.
- Clarifying Questions: How did you approach the situation? What did you learn from the situation? What was the outcome?
- Indicators: Addresses issues professionally, capable in stressful conditions, holds themselves accountable for outcomes, appropriately judges when the work extends beyond their ability.
Describe the care you provide to patients during the postpartum period.
- Clarifying Questions: Has the care you provided shifted overtime? Tell me about why you re-evaluate your approach.
- Indicators: Thoughtful in their approach, thorough in their approach, trusts in their own ability.
Can you give an example of a challenging birth you have supported?
- Clarifying Questions: How did you approach the situation? What was the outcome? What did you learn from the situation?
- Indicators: Addresses issues professionally, capable in stressful conditions, holds themselves accountable for outcomes, appropriately judges when the work extends beyond their ability.
What is your philosophy regarding childbirth?
- Clarifying Questions: Can you describe your approach to pain management during labor and delivery? How do you support women who are interested in natural childbirth? How do you support the cultural and personal preferences of your clients in their childbirth experience? How has your philosophy changed overtime?
- Indicators: Philosophy aligns with organization they are applying for, clear and confident in their approach.
How do you work with obstetricians and other healthcare providers to provide comprehensive client care?
- Clarifying Questions: What is the most difficult aspect of working with other obstetricians and healthcare providers? Has your approach changed overtime?
- Indicators: Works well with others, emphasizes teamwork, recognizes the importance of communication.
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